Friday, October 26, 2007

Parker teen pleads guilty to hiding baby's death


This young girl was pregnant, but kept the prenancy and the birth a secret from her family and friends. One day she was driving and gave birth to the baby. They baby was a still born, so it had no chance of living, but still she went back to her dorm room and hid it.

My comments:

Okay! Even if you don't want the baby, doesn't mean you need to keep it a secret from your family and friends. If they are really your friends and family, they will help you through it and not let you go through it alone. I understand the baby was a still born but still that's extremely sad. She shouldn't have had the baby and hid it either! She should have gone to the hospital and had it taken care of the right way. In all honesty, if she didn't want the baby she shouldn't be having sex!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Police Chase Suspects Onto School Lawn


A BIG fight broke out about 35 teenagers were involved. The fight started over some of the teenagers throwing things at a car. The driver of the car was hit with a beer bottle. Then once the police showed up, everyone scattered and the police chased down 4 of them infront of a middle school. The middle school was suppose to be informed of it, but the police didn't have time to let them know. So now the police are in trouble because of that.

My Comments:

Yes, they should have let the school now that they were there and why they were there, but really the didn't even have time to react. If they were going to catch the suspects then they couldn't stop for a minute and call the middle school and say, "Hey we are outside the middle school..blah blah blah."

No I am sorry but they didn't have time to do that. It was either chase them down and get them caught or stop and inform the school. I would have choose chase them down also.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Students Rally For Cheaper Books


Students got to together today and signed a petition to lower costs of college books.

My Comment:

This is the PERFECT article for me because I have been affected with this personally. College books are getting WAY too expensive! Maybe the people that sale the boosk think that college students are made of money, but sorry to tell you WE'RE NOT! I still live at home, so I don't have to pay for room and board, but still it is expensive for me! So just think of what people that have to pay room and board, pay for the other bills (such as car payments, cell phones, insurance...etc) it just get's ridiculous. I agree completely with these students and I hope that they get those costs lowered for the following years.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Victoms of Wis. Shooting Were Young


An off-duty cop went on a shooting spree. I know for sure he killed two people one 14 and one 20. It doesn't say why or what set him off.

My Comments:

This article touched me because you never know when something like this could happen. This honestly could have been me. One of the victims was even younger than me. How sad is that?