Monday, September 10, 2007

She was 14, He was 34

In this article, I read about a girl who had married a 34 year old in common law marriage. They had a son together and everything. But then state lawmakers found out and changed it so they could charge him. He ended up going to prison and was named a sex offender.

My Comments:

Well, I am sorry, but you shouldn't be marrying children that could be your children! I think that this is disturbing, but they shouldn't have charged him with all that stuff. Yes it was wrong and it shouldn't have been allowed in the first place. But this man lost the first couple of years of his son's life because of it. It was wrong for him to marry a 14-year-old girl, but it was wrong for the lawmakers to charge him with stuff that he did not intend for it to be like.

1 comment:

KayWrite said...

Yes, but here's the thing: the adult is ALWAYS responsible. I mean, what WAS he thinking? She was a CHILD!