Friday, October 26, 2007

Parker teen pleads guilty to hiding baby's death


This young girl was pregnant, but kept the prenancy and the birth a secret from her family and friends. One day she was driving and gave birth to the baby. They baby was a still born, so it had no chance of living, but still she went back to her dorm room and hid it.

My comments:

Okay! Even if you don't want the baby, doesn't mean you need to keep it a secret from your family and friends. If they are really your friends and family, they will help you through it and not let you go through it alone. I understand the baby was a still born but still that's extremely sad. She shouldn't have had the baby and hid it either! She should have gone to the hospital and had it taken care of the right way. In all honesty, if she didn't want the baby she shouldn't be having sex!

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